How much is too much

Sure, alcohol is fun, it loosens you up and you start feeling GOOD! Until you had so much, you have a booming headache and are curled, kneeling over the toilet bowl, ready to vomit. Or passed out, on the floor like santa over here on the left! Not so cool anymore, huh?

Limiting your alcohol consumption is your best bet if you don't want to end up in a bad situation. You could end up ruining your reputation by doing something stupid. Due to your lack of good judgement there are an endless number of possibilities that could go wrong. Make sure you have a DD- Designated Driver if you go out drinking. Don't ever drive drunk, you are not only putting your life at risk, but your also endangering the lives of others. Do you want to spend the rest of your life in jail? I didn't think so! So be smart about it, please.

Men are a little more hefty and can handle a little more alcohol then women tend to. So, that means no more than about 2 drinks for men and no more than ONE for women.

What does too much alcohol do to your body?
It can damage your liver, causing a disease called Cirrohosis. If you consume so much and your BAC (Blood alcohol Content) exceeds what your body can handle, you can end up in the hospital in a coma, it can become a fatal matter of life or death. You can end up having alcohol withdrawl symptoms, such as severe shakes if you try to suddenly stop. Your body becomes dependent upon it and you think you need it.

Bottom line, KNOW YOUR BOUNDARIES! If you can't seem to control yourself, then maybe it's time you need to stop and think before you drink!If you find yourself blacking out and forgetting what you did that night, that's a problem! If you find yourself NEEDING alcohol to feel okay, that's a problem! Be smart about it!

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