Low fat is not always good

Food is one of the most important means of having a healthy body, which you know already. Unfortunately, many of the foods they put out there today is not healthy for you, even if they claim it is "Low Fat." If you think you'll be losing weight by going on a low-fat diet, I think you may soon realize it hasn't worked so well. A low fat diet most likely will only work for a short while. A low fat diet means your lowering fat content and upping your carbs. By upping your carbs you can end up raising your insulin levels, which can cause health problems you don't need. The fact of the matter is a low fat diet is not really a healthy diet because you need a good balance of fat, protein, carbs, vitamins and minerals.

My mom found out she had Celiac Disease. This is an allergy to gluten, wheat, barley and rye. She can't have pizza, pasta, bread, and cookies for example, unless it is gluten-free. When a person with Celiac disease consumes foods containing gluten, the surface of the small intestine is damaged and the body cannot absorb the required nutrients. This can cause a whole lot a problems.

The reason I brought that up is because we now have to go on a gluten-free diet, which is the greatest thing because we can only consume meats, frozen vegetables (not canned), potatoes and gluten free products. This means we are not consuming all that garbage they put in foods today.

Look for healthy alternatives. Instead of white bread, have whole wheat bread, but make sure it's 100% whole wheat.

Instead of dip, go for salsa with some tomatoes, onions and garlic, you can't go wrong.

Instead of salad dressing, go for some balsamic vinegar.

If you like your bacon like I do, switch to turkey bacon, it's better for you.

Get rid of your soda, drink water and put some lemon or lime in it if you have to.

Instead of salt, use other herbs, try garlic, I LOVE garlic, I put in mostly everything I eat.

If you do decide to go on a low-fat diet, make sure you are getting the protein and fat you require to maintain a healthy body. Talk to your doctor about it, let him know so he can give you some ideas and recommend what you can do to get healthy without depriving yourself of the nutrients you need.

2 to 3 servings of milk products: Glass of milk, 1 1/2 ounce of natural cheese, 1 cup of yogurt

3 to 5 servings of veggies: 1/2 cup, 1 cup raw leafy greens

2 to 3 servings meat and beans: 2 to 3 ounces of meat, a cup of cooked beans

FRUITS, FRUITS, FRUITS: I usually have a fruit in the morning, a fruit for snack and a fruit for desert, it's a good way to make sure your getting a good amount.

6 to 11 servings of grains: once slice of whole wheat bread, cereal, some rice or pasta.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your SO right, I tried the low fat diet and it didnt work at all. Excercising and portion control works much better! Nice blog!

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